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       Frigate Chaser origins are shrouded in mystery - one that has continued to bewilder even the finest historians. Most of the remaining merfolk relics scattered throughout the ruined cities point to evidence that the Frigate Chasers were created to be faithful companions, healers, and knights, of which they regard as fact. Ultimately, however, they don't know the exact details of their creation.


       It has been centuries since the mer have been seen by men or their Frigate Chaser companions in any large number. Their fabled underwater kingdoms, once grand, lie abandoned and empty, fallen into ruin. One in particular, however, has become host to one of the largest populations of Frigate Chasers in all the seven seas: Atlantis, the sunken city. Believing it was entrusted to their care, the Frigate Chasers living within the city have lovingly maintained it in stead of their creators, preserving its lustrous beauty. It is here that the seat of the Tidal Court flourishes, overseen by the warrior Queen Nakra.


       While men believe Atlantis to be lost and constantly posit its true location, it is indeed located in the area of the Pillars of Hercules - the Strait of Gibraltar. None but the Frigate Chasers themselves are allowed entry to the mythical city unless invited through its grand gates. Cloaked in a barrier of immense magical energy, it lies invisible and imperceptible to those without magic and who don't know its location. Occasionally outsiders will tell of frigate chasers bearing armor of pure mythril adorned with indecipherable symbols.


       Lemuria, situated in the Pacific Ocean within the Mariana Trench, houses the second largest population of Frigate Chasers, many of which are mages and historians. King Saleth rules over the city in his deep-sea library. Initially an archaeological site Saleth was overseeing for his own studies, it became the capitol of the Abyssal Court once he parted ways from his sister. He never intended it to become his capitol, nor did he ever think he'd gain a royal title, but once established, his library began to draw scholars, and they deferred to him as a king. As word of the settlement grew, others who aligned with the ideals of the Abyssal Court also moved there and it has since expanded into a fully functioning city. The older portions originally built by the merfolk are inhabited and studied by the first Frigate Chasers to arrive. Those that came later added on to suit their needs, making the city have its own unique style of architecture as compared to its sister city Atlantis. While Atlantis is mostly original and of a very naturalistic style, Lemuria is angular and more practical, but no less beautiful.


       More mer cities exist in the world, some inhabited and others still yet to be rediscovered.

the courts

       There exist two main factions of Frigate Chasers that loosely govern their kind: the Tidal Court, and the Abyssal Court.

       The courts were formed by two Frigate Chaser siblings who disagreed with one another on what their species was created for. The Queen of the Tidal Court believed they were meant to be saviors and helpers above all, putting others before themselves at all times, whereas the King of the Abyssal Court believed they were created to have fun, enjoy life, and make the oceans a delight for everyone. Each court possesses a tome written long ago that holds their core beliefs and teachings.

       Relationships between the two courts are overall amicable, although a little strained due to the sibling's past quarrels. Though there's one thing the courts completely agree on: life is filled with wonder and is to be enjoyed!

       While not a definitive rule, pelagic Frigate Chasers tend to align with the Tidal Court, while benthics tend to align with the Abyssal Court. A Frigate Chaser may decide to change their alignment if they identify with another court's core values more.

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the tidal court

       The court of tides values pride, strength of heart, and selflessness. Their manual teaches healing, manipulation of the tides, and their code of heroism.

       The Manual of the Tides gives one the impression that it's been water-logged for a long, long time, and yet each and every delicate scrawling across its pages remains as intact as the day they were written.

       As the manual's pages slip through its reader's hands, the phantom sensation of a great power unlike anything extant today washes over, filling one's heart with courage.

       The manual is housed with Queen Nakra in her coral fortress, a massive living structure set in the heart of the tidal capitol, Atlantis.

the abyssal court

       The court of abyss values joy, self confidence, and mischief. Their tome teaches healing, star-calling, and their code of honor.

       The Tome of the Abyss appears almost alive from the way its glowing baubles twitch, though its pages inside appear dusty and faded as if not gazed upon in decades, yet they remain as perfectly legible as the day they were written.

       As the tome's pages slip through its reader's hands, the phantom sensation of a fascinating and other-worldly energy washes over, filling one's mind with curiosity.

       The tome is housed with King Saleth in his deep-sea library, a cavernous establishment carved into the trench walls of the abyssal capitol, Lemuria.

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       Frigate Chasers are inherently magical, having been born from the core energies of the Earth. Though they are most well known for their healing abilities, they are naturally capable of all kinds of magical tricks and powerful elemental spells with the right training.


       The ultimate profession of love, breathfasting is similar to a marriage ceremony. When two or more Frigate Chasers are romantically involved, they may combine their breath together to create a very special magical gem known as a "lovedrop". Representative of "sharing the same breath", it is a ritual that celebrates life and devotion. Each takes a piece of the jewel and will always keep it close, ensuring that no matter how far away their loved ones are, they're still always near.


       Glowing in a dazzling array of breath colors, lovedrops are incredibly powerful treasures emitting warmth and happiness and absorbing love. Frigate Chasers often set them into jewelry and wear them proudly.


       Being so magically potent, lovedrops have the ability to store nearly limitless magical energy, and because of this property they are also coveted by unscrupulous magic users. The greedy spellcaster who manages to completely drain a lovedrop of all its magic is cursed; not only does it radiate an unpleasant aura, attracting the ire of every Frigate Chaser on Earth, it becomes lifeless and as dark as the abyss. Those incapable of loving and caring for others become obsessed with replenishing the power they’ve abused, going mad in their vain attempts to find ways to restore a lovedrop's magic. On occasion, whole families may be cursed because of a certain "heirloom" in their possession, and if it's near a significant water source, it's entirely possible it could be a lovedrop an ancestor stole, and which a descendant has yet to return.


       People who aren’t cruel and genuinely have no desire to use the gem (and/or are innocent of its true nature) are drawn to return it to the body of water it originated from, and, in turn, the Frigate Chaser it belongs to. However, such a powerful item often leads the bearer into trouble with other, less savory, humans eager to obtain a rare artefact.


       Sailors are incredibly superstitious folk and consider theft from a Frigate Chaser as an exceptionally bad omen. A sailor would have to be paid absurdly for it and swear to never travel by water for the rest of their lives; a trade-off which most would consider unfavorable and even a curse in itself.


Eggs And Friglings

       Frigate Chaser eggs are magical and require an enormous amount of commitment from the parents. Though initially created in a way similar to lovedrops, the rituals and spells surrounding their creation mimic that of the Mer magic used to bring the species to life, albeit on a much smaller scale. Rather than drawing on an external source, two or more adults ready for the leap into parenthood combine their breath to make beautiful, pearlescent eggs, faintly shimmering with all of their different breath colors. They must be meticulously maintained and the devoted parents work round-the-clock to clean, roll, and replenish the magic within the eggs to encourage the development of the Frigate Chaser, or "Frigling", inside.


       The size of the resulting egg (and subsequently the new Frigling) and incubation period varies, largely connected to how magically adept the parents are and how many were involved in the creation process. Typically the babies will hatch with a few traits or colors from each parent but will only ever be of one breed. Sometimes, though uncommonly, eggs will hatch twins! The pair tend to look very much alike and have magical abilities that compliment each other. For example, if one sibling is a hydromancer, the other almost certainly will be an electromancer, and the two magics combined can generate fierce storms.

Other Races of the World

       All kinds of entities live alongside Frigate Chasers, some magical and others more mundane. Friendly creatures engage in trade and share information about distant shores, chatting about the weather or rich ocean currents. Others are not quite so pleasant and have clearly diabolical intent, many with the power to harm, or even kill, the unwary and well-prepared alike. But they are few and far between. Or at least, one may hope. Even to the Frigate Chasers who live there, the sea is fickle and still hides untold mysteries.


(A compound of "maledictus" and "piscis" meaning "accursed fish")


       Born of wayward magic, gillmen come in all shapes and sizes but share several common characteristics. Also referred to as "fishmen", they do, indeed, resemble a being part fish and part man, yet in no way comparable to a sailor's saucy sketch of a curvaceous mermaid. While both can breathe in and out of the water and have arms (or comparable modified fin appendages), gillmen also have legs that enable them to walk on land, decidedly unlike a mer. It's unknown why the magic affected them in such a way that allowed them to clamber to shore, but it has lead to many unfair myths and legends as told by their human counterparts when the two parties chance to meet.


       Normally peaceful, if left alone they will tend to their own affairs. However, wild stories spread by superstitious sailors in local taverns and pubs paint them as hideous, slimy beasts with too many teeth and a taste for human flesh (especially for that of women and children), making them unpopular near human settlements. Generally regarded with a mix of fear and derision, sightings will cause the local townsfolk to seek those bold and foolish enough to hunt them. Not only are the bounties ample, as magical beings, their bodies make excellent reagents for alchemists and witches who would pay handsomely for a liver or fins. Many survivors bear heavy scars from battles with these hunters, ferociously fighting for their lives with tooth, claw, and magic, earning them infamy as formidable prey. Some, embittered by their experiences, travel to remote regions to find safety away from any and all human threats. Others become sickened by a desire for revenge, seeking dark arts and committing acts just as heinous as those that hunted them. It is these gillmen that only worsen their reputations as fearsome monsters. Fortunately not all humans feel the same prejudice. Many island nations respect and even welcome the gillmen, referring to them as "brothers" or "cousins, and in turn the gillmen have learned the traditions and customs of their adopted families.


       They typically are extremely companionable towards Frigate Chasers and will go out of their way to play with or aid them.

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